Hi there, I’m Anita; nice to meet you. In this post l’ll be sharing my personal experience dealing with lices and how l cured it in one day; so buckle up, let me take you on a ride.

Iwill start with giving a little background on those little suckers called lices; so FYI:
Head lice, or Pediculus humanus capitis, are extremely contagious insect parasites that are essentially harmless (i.e. they don’t carry diseases). The microscopic insects live in your hair, close to your scalp, they must feed off another living body in order to survive. Their source of food is human blood, which they get from the scalp. Head lice can’t fly, aren’t airborne, and can’t live in water very long away from their host. In fact, they cling to hair strands for dear life when you bathe. Having a case of lice can be embarrassing. A common misconception about head lice is that it is a sign of poor personal hygiene. Some even believe that it affects only people of lower economic status. These ideas can’t be farther from the truth. People of all genders, ages, races, and social classes can catch head lice.

My experience with those blood suckers started on the 16th of March 2020; being a Monday, the weather was crazy hot, and my hair itched like crazy. I was really busy at work then and the last thing on my mind was obviously the parasite, everyone else at the office was restless because of the heat, so l continued my itch-ful day with no parasitic thoughts. The same thing happened the next day, and was excused again because of the heat, but then even on a lovely, cool-weathered Wednesday? Nahh, something must be definitely off, I thought; especially because the night before l woke up to two tiny insects crawling on my neck and lower back & I was scared to death that they might be bed bugs, I did my research and they weren’t, so what were these unknown, little, creepy insects? I had to find out .

In the evening of that same Wednesday, I loosened my braided hair and I couldn’t help but notice, about three of those same insects around me, for some unknown reason and with no one telling me;

I Turned on the Torchlight of my phone and shone the bright light on some strands of hair laying around me and that was when it got freaky. I saw littler insects than the previous ones having a field day on my hair.

I suddenly felt fear creaking in and l went to my best friend 'Google' for clarity. I spent the next 3 hours of the night reading up on Lices; which l had narrowed down to be the cause of my head itchiness.

I slept for the remaining three hours of the night and woke up praying and determined to get rid of the little suckers by hook or crook that day. I sadly/shamefully told my aunt about it, and she tried not to be scared for her three little kids who she was already scared of contacting the much dreaded Rona Virus and then this!, the notorious and easily contractable Lices... I assured I’d prevent that from happening and in an outcast-ish way already thought of quarantining myself. I called my mom and sister and told them my ordeal, and threatened to cut off my hair by the end of the day, if the suckers persisted. My mum then encouraged me not to and told me about how when she was much younger, most young ladies her age had lices on their heads till the welcoming of hair relaxers and products which eventually hurt and destroyed Lices. She told me to go relax my natural/virgin hair and steam it up. She was certain the heat would kill them. I sadly obliged and started about my day.

My Lice-fighting day begun, and first l went shopping and bought the following (which are all budget friendly):
- Hair Relaxer (Dark and Lovely)
- Essential oil (Coconut oil)
- Shower cap with a plastic underlining
- Hair net
- White handkerchief
- New hair Combs

I choose Dark and Lovely because I think it's best for natural hair. I relaxed it and then went on to blow dry my hair for a long time. Alot of the lices came flying out during this process (that's why l advice it, as opposed to combing out your hair to get the Lices out). In a study, hot-air methods proved highly effective in killing nits (lice eggs) but less so in eradicating live lice.

So l needed a way to kill the live lices remaining too, hence l applied coconut oil (an essential oil). Lices supposedly suffocate and die when the ooze plugs their breathing holes, but it needs to be applied overnight under a shower cap because lice can't survive without breathing for hours. So that is where the shower cap came in handy, I used one with a nylon/plastic lining so as to suffocate them.
During this whole process, l got out recent Clothing and bed lining (especially my pillow case) and washed with hot water; this is because washing, soaking, or drying items at a temperature greater than 130°F can kill both head lice and nits. Dry cleaning also kills head lice and nits.

Finally, I took a bath. I discarded my sponge (as l figured some Lices may get caught up in their holes) instead l used a white handkerchief, which enabled me see and wash off lices around my neck and ears. I strongly recommend this as its not only comforting to the skin, but also allows you track the areas where Lices are on the body and see when they no longer appear on your handkerchief.

I observed my scalp for the next few hours and I felt no itches. Today is Day 3 since my treatment and l still feel no itches. I'm super glad and diligent in applying coconut oil to my hair and wearing my plastic hair Bonnet during the day and to bed (this is a precaution against any nits left). There are different types and stages of Lices, early diagnosis and treatment is good, so as to prevent the spread. Lices multiply in thousands if not combated early.

Through my research l discovered a product that works to kill lices upon one application. The product- ‘Sklice’, wasn’t readily available in stores around me, so l created my alternative. The product contains Ivermectin, which works to paralyze and kill head lices.

If you dislike taking unknown supplements or drugs into your system like me and prefer to ride out or naturally combat illness or anything that doesn't imply total wellbeing of body, then l recommend my one day treatment if you ever get the heavy itch. The good news about Lices, is that they can't survive longer than a day or two on their own. So there's no need to go on a cleaning binge , for fear of others contacting it. Simply wash, steam or soak directly affected items.

Thanks for reading this post.
Do continue to live a clean, fearless, healthy and hygienic lifestyle at all times.

Happy living.

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Anita Ezennia
Anita Ezennia

Written by Anita Ezennia

An SEO copywriter & marketing strategist helping SMEs x7 their growth. Follow to see content that shares how to build trust, results, and revenue.

Responses (1)

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Wow. Really Really insightful. I’m really glad you combatted these tiny animals successfully. Lol